
Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Garbharaksha kashayam- Benefits, ingredients, indications, dosage, usage, diet, exercises, side effects, research papers

Garbharaksha kashayam is an Ayurvedic medicine for controlling and regulating vaata, especially in pregnancy. As the name suggests, it is used as a protective measure during pregnancy.

This yogam is specially made by traditional Kerala vaidyas.

Benefits of Garbharaksha kashayam

It is very effective in nausea, vomiting, hiccups, cough, cold and respiratory tract diseases in pregnancy, especially when the patient is physically weak. It is also used as a supplement during the pregnancy period.

It regulates Vaata kopa in the body. Helps in curing indigestion, anaemia, urinary tract infection, and abdominal pain.

Being helpful in the proper movement of Vaata, who is the controller and all movements in the body, this kashaya helps the person to gain strength and ojas.

Vaatanulomyam (regulating the movements of Vaata) makes the cough and breathing difficulties get relieved without being much soshana/apatarpana(causing weakness/emaciation).

Indications of Garbharaksha kashayam

 Garbharakshaka              – Protects the foetus

Sarvavatanulomanam    -Regulates and normalises all Vaata

Gulma                               – Indigestion with pain and distension of abdomen

Hridroga                           – Pain, and discomfort in the chest, cardiac problems.

Pandu                                – Anaemia

Mootrakricchra               – Urinary tract infection

Antrasoola                       -Spasmodic pain in the abdomen.

Ingredients of Garbharaksha kashayam 

Mountain knot grass Bhadra Aerva lanata (L.)

It is used popularly as a diuretic, with anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, anti-bacterial, and mild analgesic effects. It is used in the treatment of cough & cold, asthma, headache, urinary tract infection and skin diseases. 

Spreading hogweed Punarnava Boerhavia diffusa

 It is an important anti-inflammatory medicinal herb well known for its diuretic and antioedematous properties. Here it works as a diuretic, by balancing the water retention at the same time helping to reduce oedema in the visceral organs being beneficial in ascites, splenomegaly, etc. It can eliminate the unwanted fluid collected in tissues and reduce swelling and thereby reverse inflammation. Punarnava means it has the capability to repair and regenerate. 

Country mallow Balaa Sida cordifolia

It is anti-pyretic, anti-inflammatory, contraceptive and anti-fungal activity. It is a tonic for strengthening nerves and muscles in various neuro motor diseases.

Black grapes Draksha Vitis vinifera L.

Grapes are a nourishing and slightly laxative fruit that can support the body through illness, especially of the gastro-intestinal tract and liver. Because the nutrient content of grapes is close to that of blood plasma, grape fasts are recommended for detoxification. The fresh fruit is antilithic, constructive, cooling, diuretic and strengthening. The fruit is also helpful in the treatment of varicose veins, haemorrhoids and capillary fragility. The dried fruit is demulcent, cooling, mildly expectorant, laxative and stomachic. It has a slight effect in easing coughs. It is used as a remedy for skin diseases and in diseases of the eyes. 

Puncture vine   Gokshura Tribulus terrestris

 It is useful in diseases such as hormonal imbalance, sexual problems, heart problems, kidney problems and various skin diseases. It helps in reducing blood sugar and cholesterol levels. 

Cumin Jeeraka Cuminum cyminum

               It is very good in improving digestive fire and immunity. It helps in curing various kinds of ulcers, IBS, diarrhoea and other disorders of the gut. It is used in the treatment of mild digestive disorders as carminative. It is useful as an astringent in Broncho pulmonary diseases.

Details of the manufacturing


As already discussed, Garbharaksha kashayam has 6 ingredients in equal quantity.

All these ingredients should be washed well and dried up in shade.

Take all ingredients in dried & crushed form in an earthern pot. For your special attention, Jeeraka should be crushed and tied up separately in a white clean cotton cloth as a Potali. This is to maintain the exact consistency of the kashayam. Now add 16 times clean water into it. Make it boil and then cook in the open vessel with low fire. Reduce the quantity into one by eighth of the initial quantity. Make sure to mix it in between with a ladle without breaking the potli. Also, the fire should be kept low to make sure that all the active ingredients in the herbs needed are absorbed well into the water. Once the quantity is reduced to one by eighth of the initial amount of water, remove the vessel from the fire. Squeeze and drain through a clean white cloth. Collect the decoction in a clean vessel and discard the solid waste. Drink the mild warm decoction.


Dosha Dooshya Predominance with roga margas.

Garbharaksha kashayam is Vaatasaamaka, ojaskara and anulomana.

It acts on aabhyantara rogamarga


Dosage and Usage of Garbharaksha kashayam

Dosage: two Pala.


Kashayam is advised to take in empty stomach, once the ingested food is digested well and aahaararasa is formed well.

Usage of kashayam with prescribed prakshepadravyas according to the condition of disease and the patient gives the best results mostly.


Exercises and Yoga.

As Garbharaksha kashayam is mostly prescribed for pregnant women, all exercises are advised only after personal consultation and examination by the doctor. In normal cases, regular stretching and mild cardio exercises may be advised. Also, specific yogacharya with relaxation including nadisuddhi pranayama is recommended.  But all the activities should be done only after consultation.

Regular exercise helps improve bioavailability of the medicine and food ingested and leads to positive health.

Yoga can maintain harmony within the body and with the surrounding system.


Nadisudhi pranayama

All the exercises and physical exertions by a pregnant woman must be decided and done under the supervision of a medical expert only.


Recommended diet and behaviour


  • To be avoided

Heavy meals and difficult to digest foods – cause indigestion.

junk foods- cause disturbance in digestion and reduces the bioavailability of the medicine

carbonated drinks – makes the stomach more acidic and disturbed digestion

refrigerated and frozen foods – causes weak and sluggish digestion by weakening Agni (digestive fire)

curd – causes vidaaha and thereby many other diseases


  • To be added

Light meals and easily digestible foods

Green gram, soups.

freshly cooked and warm food processed with cumin seeds, ginger, black pepper, ajwain etc



Protect yourself from cold climate.

Better to avoid exposure to excessive sunlight wind rain or dust.

Avoid lifting heavy weights and other vigorous physical activities.

Maintain a regular food and sleep schedule.

Avoid holding or forcing the urges like urine, faeces, cough, sneeze etc.


Side effects and contraindications


No known side effects reported.


Classical reference

Yogagrantham AVS Kottakkal


Equivalent medicines.

Nayopayam kashayam

 Brands Available

AVS Kottakal

Research papers






Female reproduction and survival of offspring at molecular level


antibacterial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory




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Author information

Dr. Rajesh Nair
Licensed Ayurvedic doctor focused on providing individual Ayurvedic consultation services. Specialized in work related stress, Womens’ issues, diabetes, Pecos, arthritis, male and female sexual problems and infertility. Interested in academic work as well. Now working with as senior consultant, Ayurveda.

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