
Tuesday, June 15, 2021

ALURETIC TABLETS- Benefits, Ingredients, Indications, Dosage, Usage, Preparation, Side effects, Equivalent Medicines, Research Papers

Aluretic tablet is an effective Ayurvedic formulation for treating urinary tract infection. It is a herbal diuretic for safe and smooth diuresis. It can be used for treating oedema associated with renal, hepatic, or cardiac pathologies. It is used as adjuvant medicine along with medicines for urolithiasis. In some cases, it can be taken as a companion medicine for antihypertensive drugs. It relieves the functional derangement of the kidney and liver.


  • Oedema associated with cardiac, renal, or hepatic pathologies like renal insufficiency, congestive cardiac failure
  • Postural oedema
  • Idiopathic oedema
  • Mild to moderate hypertension
  • For short term reduction of intraocular pressure

INGREDIENTS of Aluretic Tablet

Sl.No. Ingredients English name or Scientific name Properties
1 Guduchi ghan Starch obtained form giloy It is anti-inflammatory, reduces burning sensation
2 Purified Shilajatu Alphaltum punjabinum It is having action in the urinary system. It cures urolithiasis, diabetes
3 Purified Guggulu Commiphora mukul Anti-inflmmatory, analgesic
4 Punarnava Boerhavia diffusa Anti-inflammatory, anti-oedematous, diuretic
5 Gokshura Tribulus terrestris Anti-inflammatory, anti-oedematous, diuretic
6 Ikshu mool Root of Saccharum officinarum anti-oedematous, diuretic

cures vitiated pitta dosha

7 Haldi Curcuma longa Anti-microbial property

Anti-diabetic, anti-oxidant

8 Daruharidra Berberis aristata Anti-diabetic, action in urinary tract diseases
9 Suntha Zingiber officinale Anti0oedematous, anti-inflammatory
10 Hareetaki Terminalia chebula Anti-oedematous, useful in hepatic and urinary disorders
11 JeshtiMadha Glycyrhiza glabra Action in the urinary system
12 Anantamul Hemidesmus indicus Cures burning sensation, useful in urinary tract disorders
13 Saunf Foeniculum vulgare Cardiac tonic cures burning sensation
14 Deodar Cedrus deodara Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-oxidant
15 Bharangi Clerodendrum serratum Cures vitiated Vata. It is having action in inflammatory conditions, anti-oedematous
16 Kala-Kadu Nigella sativa Useful nephrotoxicity, diseases affecting hepato-cellular system
17 Patola Trichosanthus dioica Cures burning sensation purifies the blood
18 Nirgunti Vitex negundo Analgesic, anti-inflammatory
19 Nim Pan Azadiracta indica Purifies blood, action in the hepato-cellular and cardiovascular system
20 Amala Emblica officinalis Anti-oxidant, anti-oedematous
21 Pashanabeda Bergenia lingulata Useful in urolithiasis
22 Dusparsha Fagonia cretica Useful in bleeding disorders, vertigo


23 Erandamul Ricinus communis Relieves swelling, anti-inflammatory, analgesic
24 Vidanga Embelia ribes Useful in diabetes, ascites
25 Apamarga Achyranthus aspera Diuretic, dysuria, water retension,, and urinary stones
26 Sahianjan Moringa oleifera Cardiac tonic, anti-inflammatory, decrease fat, obesity
27 Kavachmul Mucuna pruriens Nervine tonic, improves blood circulation
28 Shankapushpi Convolvulus pluricaulis Useful in hypertension, mild diuretic action, relieve fluid retention


1 to 2 tablets at a time. In severe conditions can be given every fourth hour or as per the physician’s advice.


Bottle of 100 tablets


Alarsin Pharmaceuticals


Eat anti-oxidant foods like amla, tomato, cherries, cucumber, ash gourd

Avoid bread, pastas and sugar

It is desirable to minimise the intake red meat and fried foods


In conditions like hypertension, and other cardio-vascular and hepatic disorders it is beneficial to do minimal yoga postures, pranayama, meditation, etc. can practice

  • Meditation in vajrasana or sukhasana
  • Anuloma viloma pranayama
  • Bhastrika pranayama


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Author information

Dr. Rajesh Nair
Licensed Ayurvedic doctor focused on providing individual Ayurvedic consultation services. Specialized in work related stress, Womens’ issues, diabetes, Pecos, arthritis, male and female sexual problems and infertility. Interested in academic work as well. Now working with as senior consultant, Ayurveda.

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