
Saturday, July 3, 2021

Ayurvedic Treatment for ANOSMIA

Ayurvedic Treatment for Anosmia uses the basic treatment principle explained in the Jwara ( Fever ). This very relevant in the pandemic COVID 19 period. Anosmia or smell blindness is a condition in which there is the loss of the ability to detect one or more smells. It can either be temporary or permanent. Hyposmia is a condition characterized by decreased sensitivity to smells.

  • Signs and symptoms of Anosmia
  • Causes of anosmia
  • Diagnosis of Anosmia
  • Treatments of Anosmia
  • Prognosis of Anosmia
  • Complications of Anosmia
  • Anosmia (Ghrananasa) in Ayurveda
  • Nidana- Causes of Anosmia
  • Samprapti or maturation of Anosmia
  • Chikitsa (Treatment) of Anosmia
  • Commonly used medicines
  • Home remedies and Diet
  • Yoga

Signs and Symptoms

The cardinal feature is the loss of smell. Also, patients sometimes taste food differently.


Nasal congestion from cold, allergy, sinus infection or poor air quality is the most common cause of temporary loss of smell sensation. The other causes of anosmia include,

  • Injury to nose or nerves of olfaction from surgery or trauma
  • Nasal polyp
  • Cocaine abuse or some medication like antidepressants, antibiotics, or anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Exposure to pungent chemicals
  • Sense of smell can weaken in old age
  • Diseases like Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, etc.
  • In infections like COVID-19


The presence of non-motile cilia extending from olfactory receptor neurons at the surface of the olfactory epithelium has importance in sense of olfaction.  Olfactory neurons must assemble their cilia to properly localize several key transduction proteins at the cilia membrane. If odorant receptor proteins and their accompanying transduction machinery are not localized properly in cilia, or if the cilia are malformed (or absent), odor detection cannot occur, resulting in anosmia.


It is difficult to diagnose the condition. Interrogation with the patient regarding the symptoms and their onset along with other medical history lead to the diagnosis.


The treatment of anosmia depends on the cause.

  • If it is due to allergy or nasal congestion decongestant nasal sprays and antihistamines are used. Steroidal nasal sprays or antibiotics can be used if needed.
  • Cessation of smoking or avoiding exposure to irritant chemicals is necessary if they are the cause.
  • Removal of the nasal polyp or other obstruction of the nasal passage.


The prognosis of anosmia also depends on the cause. Specific therapy to cure the cause of the disease automatically relives this condition. No therapy is available for age-related or idiopathic loss of smell.


The person affected with anosmia may gradually lose interest in eating food which leads to weight loss and malnutrition. Also, become unable to recognize spoiled food or gas leaks.

Disease and Ayurveda

Ghrananasa or lack of smell is said as one among Vataja nanatmaja vyadhi. The vitiated dosha is predominantly Vata.

Nidana- Causes

The reasons for vitiation Vata dosha can lead to this condition. The vata kopa nidana includes,

  • excessive intake of dry, cold and laghu food
  • intake of tastes like bitter, acrid or astringent taste frequently
  • fasting
  • night awakening
  • Depletion of tissues, etc.

It can also be a symptom of Nasa roga like vataja pratisyaya.

Samprapthi Maturation

The indulgence of nidana (causes) vitiates Vata dosha and get lodged to nasagata srotomarga (nasal passage) leading to ghrananasa.

Lakshana Signs and Symptoms

  • Loss of perception of smell.


Proper treatment considering the cause can alleviate the condition.

Chikitsa- Treatment

The treatment includes those which alleviate Vata vitiation. Also if anosmia is due to other diseases like Vataja pratisyaya it should be managed accordingly. Nasya or nasal instillation of medicine and Dhoomapaana (steam inhalation) are found to be good.

Commonly used medicines

  • Anu thaila nasya
  • Ksheerabala thailam
  • Haridrakhanda, vyoshadi vataka,
  • Dasamulakaduthryam Kashayam
  • Vyaghriyadi Kashayam
  • Vasadusparsakadi Kashayam
  • Vyoshadi Vatakam
  • Guggulupanchpalam Churna
  • Thaleesapatradi Churna
  • Dhoomapana
  • Nimbamruthadi Casto Oil – Talam
  • Kachooradi Churna
  • Vilwadi Gulika

Brands available

  • Aryavaidyasala Kottakkal
  • Vaidyaratnam Oushadasala
  • SNA
  • Dhootpapaeswar
  • Baidyanath

Home Remedies

  • Use of herbs like garlic, turmeric, ginger, etc.
  • Nasal instillation of 2 drops of Anu thaila daily after mild steam inhalation followed by Mukhbhyanga (oil massage of face)
  • Crush few pieces of garlic; boil them in water and a pinch of salt. Drink the mixture when it is hot.
  • Lemon help to restore lost smell and taste
  • Mint also is good in anosmia


Daily practice of yoga can make the body healthy. Pranayama can also be practiced.

Research articles link.



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Author information

Dr. Rajesh Nair
Licensed Ayurvedic doctor focused on providing individual Ayurvedic consultation services. Specialized in work related stress, Womens’ issues, diabetes, Pecos, arthritis, male and female sexual problems and infertility. Interested in academic work as well. Now working with as senior consultant, Ayurveda.

The post Ayurvedic Treatment for ANOSMIA appeared first on Ayurvedaforall UK Blog.


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