
Saturday, January 8, 2022

Ovarian Pain- Ayurvedic Treatment, Diet, Exercises, Research Papers, Yoga & Pranayama


Ovaries are reproductive glands in women located on each side of the pelvis. They’re responsible for making eggs. Ovaries also serve as body’s primary source of the hormones oestrogen and progesterone. Many women experience pain in their ovaries from time to time, typically related to their menstrual cycle. Sometimes, though, ovary pain can be a sign of an underlying condition.

Signs & symptoms

Pelvic pain

Irregular menstruation.

Pain during intercourse or bowel movements.

Nausea or vomiting.

Feeling full after eating a small meal.



Menstrual Pain – most common cause

Mittelschmerz Pain –Some women experience ovary pain during regular ovulation each month. This condition is called mittelschmerz. The name comes from the German words for “middle” and “pain.” Ovulation generally happens in the middle of menstrual cycle, so the pain comes most around day 14 or so, as the egg bursts from the ovary into fallopian tube. The person may feel the discomfort in the pelvis on one or both sides. It can be mild or severe, lasting from a few minutes to several hours. Some women experience bleeding or discharge during ovulation. Others may have nausea along with pain. There are different theories for why ovulation might hurt. One is that because there isn’t an opening in the ovary, your egg has to go through the wall of the ovary, which may hurt. Some doctors think the enlargement of the egg in the ovary just prior to ovulation may cause the pain. Mittelschmerz pain generally goes away in a day. It doesn’t require treatment, though some women may get relief by starting a birth control pill regimen.

Ovarian cysts


Pelvic inflammatory disease

Phantom pains – The ovaries are located near many other organs and parts of the body. As a result, pelvic and ovary pain can result from other medical conditions like: Appendicitis, Constipation, Kidney stones, Pregnancy, Ectopic pregnancy, Urinary tract infection etc.

Ovarian remnant syndrome – Ovarian remnant syndrome (ORS) develops as pain and bleeding after an oophorectomy (surgical removal of ovary), as there can be tissue left over for a number of reasons. Pelvic pain and feeling of a pelvic mass are the most common symptoms with ORS.

Ovarian cancer


Different biological mechanisms may explain the origin of pelvic pain and ovarian pain, such as nociceptive, inflammatory, neuropathic, psychogenic, mixed, or idiopathic origin. Noxious stimulus induces the activation of specialized nociceptors and is transmitted via primary afferent fibers to synapses in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, mainly, via the hypogastric plexus and pudendal nerves. This information is sent within the spinal cord to the thalamus and finally to multiple brain areas which are responsible for pain perception.


Medical history

Sexual History

Physical examination

Pap smear test from a vaginal swab

Pregnancy test

Urine analysis

CRP, ESR and Complete & Differential blood counts

Pelvic ultrasound

CT scan of abdomen & pelvis

Pelvic Laparoscopy and biopsy


Treatment depends upon the cause of the pain It can include taking medication like NSAID s or undergoing surgery for ovarian torsion/ectopic pregnancy.


Most ovarian cysts are self-limiting and go away on their own. If there are no serious symptoms, watchful waiting is the best option.

In ovarian pain with another underlying disease, the outlook depends upon the severity of the disease.


These symptoms can indicate a ruptured cyst or an ovarian torsion. Both complications can have serious consequences if not treated early.

Disease & Ayurveda

        Aartavasoola /granthiartava.


        Causative factors for the vitiation of Kapha and Vaata

Unwholesome diet and lifestyle during menstruation


        Not mentioned


        When vitiated Kapha and Vaata in women reach the reproductive organs and get lodged in andasaya, artava production is affected and the development of it is delayed & arrested in andasaya. Due to the kapha and vaata doshas, it forms a cyst like growth which leads to granthiartava


        Irregular menstrual bleeding with clots

Lower abdominal pain

Pain on both sides of abdomen


Not mentioned


Saadhya in new cases in healthy women with no complications.

Yaapya in chronic cases


The aim of Ayurvedic treatment in granthiartava is to remove and expel the kapha dosha blocking the normal functioning of Vaata. This wll help the reproductive system in functioning in the normal way. To eliminate kapha, vamanam and nasyam are done if the patient is suitable. After clearing the obstruction in channels, treatment is given to enhance artava formation and development in a normal way.




Internal medicines and diet with ushna-teekshna(hot, pungent & penetrating) properties

Krishna Tila, kulattha








Commonly used medicines

        Varanadi kashayam

Pathadi kashayam

Sapthasaram Kashayam

Chitrakadi Kashayam

Sukumaram kashayam


Nirgundyadi kashayam

Chiruvilwadi kashayam



Brands available

AVS Kottakal

AVP Coimbatore

SNA oushadhasala

Vaidyaratnam oushadhasala

Home remedies

No home remedies can completely cure ovarian cysts. But a healthy diet and lifestyle can help manage the discomforts.


  • To be avoided

Heavy meals and difficult to digest foods – cause indigestion.

Junk foods- cause disturbance in digestion and reduces the bioavailability of the medicine

Carbonated drinks – makes the stomach more acidic and disturbed digestion

Refrigerated and frozen foods – causes weak and sluggish digestion by weakening Agni (digestive fire)

Milk and milk products – increase kapha, cause obstruction in channels and obesity

Curd – causes vidaaha and thereby many other diseases

  • To be added

Light meals and easily digestible foods

Green gram, soups, sesame oil

Freshly cooked and warm food processed with cumin seeds, ginger, black pepper, ajwain etc


Protect yourself from extreme hot climate.

Better to avoid exposure to excessive sunlight wind rain or dust.

Maintain a regular food and sleep schedule.

Avoid holding or forcing the urges like urine, faeces, cough, sneeze etc.

Avoid sedentary lifestyle. Be active


As most of the cases of ovarian pain is developed due to sedentary lifestyle, regular exercising is advised unless severe pain present. Also, specific yogacharya is recommended.

Regular exercise helps improve bioavailability of the medicine and food ingested and leads to positive health.

Yoga can maintain harmony within the body and with the surrounding system.





Nadisudhi pranayama


Simple exercises for lungs and heart health

All the exercises and physical exertions must be decided and done under the supervision of a medical expert only.

Research articles


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, United States. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please consult your GP before the intake.

Dr. Rajesh Nair, the co-founder and chief consultant of Ayurvedaforall.Com, is a graduate of prestigious Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda College (affiliated with the University of Calicut), Kerala, India. Additionally, he holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Yoga Therapy from Annamalai University.

Dr. Nair offers consultation at two busy clinics in and around Haripad, Alleppey, Kerala, the southern state famous worldwide for authentic ayurvedic treatment and physicians. While offering consultation on all aspects of ayurvedic treatments Dr. Nair has a special interest in Panchkarma, Yoga, and Massage.

Through Ayurvedaforall Dr. Nair offers online consultation to patients worldwide and has served hundreds of patients over the last 20 years. In addition to his Ayurvedic practice, he is the chief editor of, the online portal of Ayurveda Medical Association of India, and the state committee member of Ayurveda Medical Association of India.

Dr. Nair is a regular speaker at Ayurveda-related conferences and has visited Germany to propagate Ayurveda. You can write directly to him-

Whatsapp – +91 9446918019, +91 8075810816


To give you a quick idea about Ayurvedaforall, we are a group of ayurvedic practitioners committed to propagating Ayurveda in its best tradition around the world. Our online store sells authentic ayurvedic formulations backed by professional advice. Now into the seventeenth year of operation, the site has helped us build a dedicated clientele which regularly uses our products and services as well as refers others to us. Needless to say, this has been achieved through our adherence to the highest standards of customer service and professional ethics.

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Author information

Dr. Rajesh Nair
Licensed Ayurvedic doctor focused on providing individual Ayurvedic consultation services. Specialized in work related stress, Womens’ issues, diabetes, Pecos, arthritis, male and female sexual problems and infertility. Interested in academic work as well. Now working with as senior consultant, Ayurveda.

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