
Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Ayurvedic Treatment for AMOEBIASIS

Ayurvedic Treatment for Amoebiasis is entirely different from conventional treatment of giving importance to the guest- Amoeba. Ayurveda is a pro host ( Human being) treatment and it enhances the host to fight against the guests whoever may be. A parasitic infection of the colon with the amoeba Entamoeba histolytica is known as Amoebiasis. It is also known as amoebic dysentery. Amoebiasis is present all over the world, but more prevalent in developing countries.  Due to this infection there occurs an average death between 40,000–110,000 people a year

  • Signs and symptoms of Amoebiasis
  • Causes of Amoebiasis
  • Pathophysiology of Amoebiasis
  • Diagnosis of Amoebiasis
  • Treatments of Amoebiasis
  • Prognosis of Amoebiasis
  • Complications of Amoebiasis
  • Pravahika in Ayurveda
  • Nidana- Causes of Pravahika
  • Samprapthi (Maturation) of Pravahika
  • Lakshana of Pravahika
  • Chikitsa (Treatment) of Pravahika
  • Commonly used medicines for Pravahika
  • Diet desirable to prevent Pravahika
  • Yoga
  • Research articles link.

Signs and Symptoms

Among the infected persons, nearly 90% are asymptomatic. But in some cases, it becomes very serious to a level that endangers life. Symptoms usually manifest within a few days to weeks after infection. The infection can persist for years if no treatment is taken. The symptoms include,

  • mild diarrhea to dysentery with blood
  • intense abdominal pains
  • in some cases, there may be an infection in the colon, liver
  • the blood in stools comes from the bleeding lesions created by the amoebae invading the lining of the colon
  • this parasite in some cases enters the bloodstream and invades other organs mainly the liver.


Amoebiasis is an infection caused by the amoeba Entamoeba histolytica. The highest prevalence of amebiasis is in developing countries where barriers between human faeces and food and water supplies are inadequate


The pathogenesis of infection by Entamoeba histolytica is governed at several levels, chief among them are

  • adherence of trophozoites to the target cell
  • lysis of target cell
  • Phagocytosis of the target cell.


The diagnosis of Amoebiasis is done by,

  • stool examination to identify cysts or trophozoites of E. histolytica
  • histolytica trophozoites are also identified from the aspirates or biopsy samples obtained during colonoscopy
  • Enzyme immunoassay is done to identify extraintestinal disease.
  • Radiography, Ultrasonography, Computerized tomography, Magnetic resonance imaging are used to detect liver abscess or cerebral Amoebiasis


Gastrointestinal Amoebiasis is treated by using Nitroimidazole drugs because this kills amoebas in the blood, in the wall of the intestine, and in liver abscesses. Metronidazole and Tinidazole are examples. This drug should be followed by Paromomycin to cure the luminal infection.


Amoebiasis when treated, the prognosis is good. But in some parts of the world, recurrent infections are seen. The mortality rates after treatment are less than 1%.


The complications of Amoebiasis includes,

  • Bowel perforation and gastrointestinal bleeding.
  • Stricture formation.
  • Empyema
  • Peritonitis
  • Inflammation and ulceration of the colon
  • Anaemia due to loss of blood.

Disease and Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, the symptoms of Amoebiasis can be correlated to Pravahika in which there is repeated defecation of watery stools often associated with abdominal pain.

Nidana- Causes

The causes of pravahika include,

  • Intake of heavy, oily or dry watery food
  • Incompatible food
  • Food that causes indigestion
  • Due to krimi dosha (infections)

Purvaroopam- Premonitory Symptoms

  • Toda (pricking pain) in cardiac region, umbilical region, abdomen,
  • Gaatra avasada (body fatigue)
  • Vitsanga (constipation)
  • Adhmana(flatulence)
  • Avipaka(indigestion)

Samprapthi Maturation

Vata pradhana tridosha kopa occurs which vitiates anna rasa and raktha (blood) along with depletion of jadaragni (digestive power). There occurs sanga (obstruction) or atipravritti (excess) of mala (stools).

Lakshana Signs and Symptoms

The general symptoms of pravahika include,

  • Defecation of stool mixed with rakta (blood) and sleshma (mucous)
  • Tenesmus
  • There can have purishaja krimi (worms/ cysts) in the stool

Divisions based on Dosha

Four types of pravahika according to dosha vitiation,

  • Vataja pravahika
  • Pittaja pravahika
  • Kaphaja pravahika
  • Raktaja pravahika

Pravahika can occur alone or in association with other diseases. Grahani and Raktasrava (haemorrhage) are the usual complications of pravahika.

Chikitsa- Treatment

The treatment can be adopted considering the bala of the patient and disease. In the initial stage to cure amavastha langana (fasting) can be done if the patient is healthy. Then pachana and deepana medicines are advised to increase digestion. To stop atipravritti of mala sthambana (anti-diarrhoeal medicines) can be given. If the patient is healthy and there is excess vitiation of dosha virechana (purgation) can be done.

Commonly used medicines

  • Kutajavaleha
  • Kutajarishta
  • Dhanwantharam gulika
  • Vilwadi Gutika
  • Vilwadi lehya
  • Ramabana rasa
  • Chitrakadi vati
  • Kutajghan vati
  • Mahasankha vai
  • Dadimashtak Churna
  • Ashta Churna
  • Sitopaladi Churna
  • Vidangarishta

Brands available

  • Vaidyaratnam Oushadasala
  • Aryavaidyasala Kottakkal
  • Dhootpapeswar
  • Baidyanath
  • Zandu Pharmaceuticals

Home Remedies and diet

  • Buttermilk is an ideal choice
  • Buttermilk cooked with ginger, curry leaves, turmeric powder, etc. is good
  • Juice of curry leaves, ginger, and sugar
  • The diet should be warm and easy to digest
  • Avoid fried, hot, spicy food.


No exercise is beneficial at the time of disease. But yoga postures like vajrasana helps in digestion and maintaining healthy Agni.

Research articles link.,(blood%2Dmixed%20stool).


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Author information

Dr. Rajesh Nair
Licensed Ayurvedic doctor focused on providing individual Ayurvedic consultation services. Specialized in work related stress, Womens’ issues, diabetes, Pecos, arthritis, male and female sexual problems and infertility. Interested in academic work as well. Now working with as senior consultant, Ayurveda.

The post Ayurvedic Treatment for AMOEBIASIS appeared first on Ayurvedaforall UK Blog.


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