
Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Ayurvedic Treatment for WHEAT ALLERGY

Ayurvedic Treatment for Wheat Allergy starts with assessing the digestive issues of the body. Proper healthy digestion is a real answer for any allergies. Wheat allergy is an allergic reaction of the body when the immune system reacts to foods containing wheat. Allergic reactions can be caused by eating wheat or sometimes even by inhaling wheat flour. Coeliac disease is a similar disease but here the body produces antibodies against gluten protein found in wheat.

  • Signs and symptoms of Allergy wheat
  • Causes and Pathophysiology of Allergy wheat
  • Diagnosis of Allergy wheat
  • Treatments of Allergy wheat
  • Prognosis of Allergy wheat
  • Complications of Allergy whet
  • Virudhahara and wheat allergy (incompatible food)
  • Nidana- Causes of Virudha ahara
  • Lakshana of virudha ahara
  • Prognosis of virudha ahara
  • Chikitsa (Treatment) of virudha ahara
  • Commonly used medicines for virudha ahara
  • Diet
  • Yoga
  • Research articles link.

Signs and Symptoms

Persons with a wheat allergy may develop the following symptoms when it is consumed.

  • Swelling of lips, tongue
  • Irritation or itching of the mouth or throat.
  • Red rashes on the skin associated with itching
  • Swelling of the skin.
  • Nasal congestion, breathing difficulty.
  • Cramps like pain in the abdomen, nausea, or vomiting.
  • Diarrhea.
  • In severe cases, there may occur Anaphylactic reactions.

Causes and Pathophysiology

Wheat allergy in persons occurs when the body’s immune system produces antibodies to proteins found in wheat. In the case of celiac disease, the body reacts to the specific protein called gluten found in wheat, and then it will cause a different kind of abnormal immune system reaction. The symptoms are similar in both cases.


The diagnosis can be made by,

  • History taking and assessment of signs and symptoms.
  • Skin test in which tiny drops of purified allergen extracts from wheat protein are pricked onto the skin surface, either on your forearm or on your upper back. Observe for 15 minutes, assess for signs of allergic reactions
  • Blood test
  • Elimination diet of food items suspecting allergy and return them into the diet and asses for symptom when it appears.


  • Avoiding wheat proteins is the best treatment for wheat allergy because the elimination of it cures the symptoms.
  • Antihistamines are used to treat allergic symptoms.
  • In the case of anaphylactic reactions, Epinephrine is used as emergency medicine. People with allergies carry an epinephrine autoinjector (EpiPen, Auvi-Q, others).


Usually, children presenting with wheat allergy outgrow it by reaching adulthood. Among this, about 65% outgrows it by reaching the age of 12.


Severe anaphylactic reactions may present with complications in rare cases.

Disease and Ayurveda

We can manage the condition based on the concept of Virudhahara (Incompatible food). Ajeerna and Agnimandya can also be considered. Saatmya is a concept in Ayurveda describing the things conducive to the body. Substances that are not conducive to the body cause allergic reactions.

Nidana- Causes

  • Weak Agni ( less digestive fire)
  • Ama accumulation ( Ama means toxins)
  • Individual’s body constitution
  • Imbalance of Dosha in the body (Vata, Pitta or Kapha)
  • State of the Dhatu (tissue) Agni (digestive fire): this determines which tissue or organ system will be affected.
  • Weak immune system

Intake of food that is not compatible with the body, mismatching a combination of food items, taking food at an improper time, place, inappropriate amounts, etc. causes food allergy.

Lakshana Signs and Symptoms

Virudhahara and asaatmya food (food not conducive to the body) cause varied symptoms in the body. The symptoms similar to wheat allergy include,

  • Indigestion, Abdominal distension, intestinal disorders, gastritis
  • Fever
  • Allergic reactions on the skin like redness, rashes
  • Respiratory problems like breathlessness


The prognosis of the disease due to intake of incompatible food is based on the severity of symptoms.

Chikitsa- Treatment

Samana: can be given Samanaushadha (medicines) based on the disease. Drugs like Haridra, nimba possessing detoxifying effects can be used. Treatment to protect Agni (digestive fire) is necessary because a person with supreme Agnibala (digestive fire) won’t get the effect of Virudha ahara.

 Shodhana: Diseases caused by intake of incompatible diets and drugs can be cured by Vamana Karma (therapeutic Emesis), Virechana (Purgation)

Commonly used medicines

Commonly used medicines include,

  • Vilwadi gulika
  • Dooshivishari Gulika
  • Gorochanadi Gulika
  • Vaiswanara choorna
  • Dadimashtaka Churna
  • Sankha vati
  • Agnikumara rasa
  • Pippalyasavam
  • Abayarishtam
  • Ashtachoornam
  • Hinguvachadi Churna
  • Pachanamrutham Kashayam
  • Chiruvilwadi Kashayam
  • Chithrakadi Kashayam
  • Dasamulaharitaki Lehyam
  • Trivrit Lehyam
  • Gulardrakam
  • Kanmada Bhasmam
  • Medicines can be selected considering the symptoms.

Brands available

  • Vaidyaratnam Oushadasala
  • Aryavaidyasala Kottakkal
  • SNA Oushadasala
  • Dhootpapeswar
  • Baidyanath


Home Remedies

  • Intake of plenty of water
  • Fasting
  • Activated charcoal
  • Ginger and turmeric aids digestion and reduces symptoms. Water boiled with ginger or turmeric powder can be chosen.


A gluten-free diet is the desirable choice in case of wheat allergy.


Those postures which help in maintaining digestive health are good.

  • Vajrasana
  • Padmasana
  • Pavamukthasana, etc. increases the blood flow to the gut.

Research articles link.


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Author information

Dr. Rajesh Nair
Licensed Ayurvedic doctor focused on providing individual Ayurvedic consultation services. Specialized in work related stress, Womens’ issues, diabetes, Pecos, arthritis, male and female sexual problems and infertility. Interested in academic work as well. Now working with as senior consultant, Ayurveda.

The post Ayurvedic Treatment for WHEAT ALLERGY appeared first on Ayurvedaforall UK Blog.


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