
Friday, July 2, 2021

Ayurvedic Treatment for ANAL ITCHING

Ayurvedic treatment for Anal Itching starts with the efforts to trace the real reason for the itching. The treatment depends on the reason traced and medicines and procedures are tailored as per the individual presentation.  The itching around the anal region may occur due to haemorrhoids, anal fissures, or pinworms. The condition is known as Pruritus ani.

  • Signs and symptoms of anal itching
  • Causes of anal itching
  • Pathophysiology of anal itching
  • Diagnosis of anal itching
  • Treatments of anal itching
  • Prognosis of anal itching
  • Complications of anal itching
  • Anal itching (guda kandu) in Ayurveda
  • Lakshana of guda kandu
  • Chikitsa (Treatment) of guda kandu
  • Commonly used medicines for guda kandu
  • Home remedies to prevent guda kandu
  • Yoga
  • Research articles link


Signs and Symptoms

Itching is the cardinal feature of the disease. Additional to itching burning sensation and pain occurs when the skin is traumatized due to scratching.


The conditions in which anal itching occurs are,

  • Infections like sexually transmitted diseases, pinworms and yeast infection
  • Psoriasis or contact dermatitis
  • Faecal incontinence or chronic diarrhoea can irritate the skin causing itching
  • Haemorrhoids, anal fissures, diabetes, or tumour-like conditions.


History of signs and symptoms along with local examination lead to the diagnosis. Specific tests are to be carried to rule out other medical conditions.


Treatment is adopted considering the cause of the condition. Oral antihistamines and anti-itch creams are used accordingly. Proper hygienic practice can cure the condition.


Anal itching subsides when the underlining cause gets cured.


Constant scratching makes the skin in the perianal region traumatized. It may spread to larger areas.

Disease and Ayurveda

This is not defined as a single disease condition in Ayurveda but guda kandu (itching in the perianal region) is said as a symptom in various diseases like arsas (haemorrhoids)

Nidana- Causes

Guda kandu is a symptom in Kaphaja arsas and the things which cause vitiation of kapha dosha can produce this symptom. It includes,

  • Heavy, sweet and oily food
  • Day sleep
  • Lack of exercise
  • Excess intake of milk, curd, sugar cane products, etc.

Samprapthi Maturation

The indulgence of things that vitiate kapha dosha causes the symptom. In the case of pureeshaja krimi (pinworm), anal itching can occur.

Lakshana Signs and Symptoms

Itching in the perianal region is the symptom.


It is easily curable because when the disease-causing symptom gets cures the itching also will be cured. After all, this is not an independent disease.

Chikitsa- Treatment

The treatment is done for the disease which caused the symptom guda kandu (anal itching)

In the case of Arsas, treatment is done for arsas. In the case of pureeshaja krimi (pinworm) the treatment to expel worms is done.

Sitz bath in the decoction of Triphala can relieve the symptom.

Commonly used medicines

  • Aragwadadi kashaya
  • Dusparshkadi Kashayam
  • Mahathiktakam Kashayam
  • Chiruvilwadi kashaya
  • Triphala choornam (for Sitz bath)
  • Avipathi choornam

For worm infection,

Brands available

  • Aryavaidyasala Kottakkal
  • Vaidyaratnam Oushadasala
  • SNA
  • Dhootpapaeswar

Home Remedies and diet

  • Clean the area using lukewarm water, soap and dry using a soft cloth
  • Clean dry undergarments
  • Don’t scratch
  • Apply gel or creams
  • Maintain a regular bowel habit


General yoga procedures can maintain a good digestive system and a regular bowel habit. Can adopt,

  • Vajrasana
  • Gomukhasana
  • Pavanamuktasana
  • Ardhamatsyendrasana
  • Paschimothanasana

Research articles link.

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Author information

Dr. Rajesh Nair
Licensed Ayurvedic doctor focused on providing individual Ayurvedic consultation services. Specialized in work related stress, Womens’ issues, diabetes, Pecos, arthritis, male and female sexual problems and infertility. Interested in academic work as well. Now working with as senior consultant, Ayurveda.

The post Ayurvedic Treatment for ANAL ITCHING appeared first on Ayurvedaforall UK Blog.


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