
Friday, July 2, 2021

I E D and ANGER MANAGEMENT- Ayurvedic Ways

I E D and Anger Management – Ayurvedic ways are creative as it holistically deals the individual’s issues. Anger which is also known as wrath or rage is an intense emotional state involving a strong uncomfortable and non-cooperative response to a perceived provocation, hurt, or threat. When it becomes a disease condition it is known as intermittent explosive disorder (IED). This is an impulse-control disorder characterized by sudden episodes of unwarranted anger.

  • Signs and symptoms of Anger and IED
  • Causes of intermittent explosive disorder (IED).
  • Diagnosis of intermittent explosive disorder (IED).
  • Treatments of intermittent explosive disorder (IED).
  • Complications of intermittent explosive disorder (IED).
  • Krodha in Ayurveda
  • Nidana- Causes of Krodha
  • Chikitsa (Treatment) of Krodha
  • Commonly used medicines
  • Home remedies and Diet
  • Yoga

Signs and Symptoms

IED is a disorder that is characterized by hostility, impulsivity, and recurrent aggressive outbursts. They usually explode into a rage despite a lack of apparent provoke or reason. Affected persons usually lose control over their emotions and become overcome with anger. They usually threaten or attack objects, animals, or even humans.


The cause of this condition is believed to be a combination of genetic, physical, and environmental factors. This disease is believed to be passed down from parents to children but no specific gene is not identified yet. It is caused due to abnormalities in the area of the brain regulating arousal and inhibition. The neurotransmitter serotonin may be composed intermittently in people with IED. People living in a home with harsh punishments are most likely to develop IEDs.

Risk factors include,

  • Male gender
  • Exposure to violence during childhood
  • Those exposed to physical or emotional trauma
  • Drug abuse or due to certain diseases.


The diagnosis of the condition can be made by,

  • Comprehensive personal history of the patient and occasionally from the family members and friends.
  • Aggressive impulsive behaviour, occurring twice weekly, on an average for 3 months.
  • Three outbursts involving damage of property or physical assault occurring within 12 months
  • The recurrent aggressive outbursts are not premeditated and are not committed to achieving some tangible objective. The magnitude of the outburst is out of proportion to the provocation factor.
  • The outbursts cause either marked distress in the individual or impairment in occupational or interpersonal functioning.


The medication for the treatment of IED includes drugs like antidepressants precisely selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, anticonvulsant mood stabilizers like lithium carbonate, tranquillizers, beta-blockers, and other drugs if necessary.

Psychotherapy or behavioural modifications can help people understand and have control of their thoughts and behaviour


With proper medication and behavioural therapies, anger and IED can be effectively managed. There is a chance for remission if provoking factors again interfere.


The persons with IED or excess emotional outbreak of anger usually have complications like,

  • Impaired interpersonal relationships
  • Mood swings like depression and anxiety
  • Problems at workplace and schools
  • Self-half
  • Physical health issues

Disease and Ayurveda

Anger and irritability are seen in the condition of aggravated pitta dosha. Excessive outbursts of anger are a symptom said in Pittaja Unmada. Krodha is also said as a Manasika vikara which is needed to be controlled.

Nidana- Causes

The conditions which vitiate pitta dosha like acrid, sour, and hot spicy food. The affliction of mind because of fear, etc. and unwholesome physical and mental activities are also causing the development of the condition.

Samprapthi Maturation

The vitiated doshas due to the above factors afflict the Hridaya (heart or mind) and produce the symptoms.


The condition of Krodha or excessive outburst of anger is a curable disease with proper treatment.

Chikitsa- Treatment

Samana treatment includes seeta (cold potency) drugs and drugs of tiktha rasa. Other pitta alleviating treatments like sirodhara, Siropichu, takradhara, etc. can be done.

Sodhana or elimination therapy advised in the condition is virechana where elimination of pitta dosha is possible.

Commonly used medicines

  • Drakshadi kashaya
  • Saribadyasava
  • Tikthaka kashayam
  • Kalyanaka kashayam
  • Brahmidrakshadi Kashayam
  • Kalyanaka ghrita
  • Panchagavya ghrita
  • Abhyanga with Ksheerabala thailam, Dhanwantharam thailam.
  • Manasamitra Vatakam
  • Aswagandha Churna
  • Pancharivinda Churna
  • Sidharthaka Snana Churna

Brands available

  • Aryavaidyasala Kottakkal
  • Vaidyaratnam Oushadasala
  • SNA
  • Dhootpapaeswar
  • Baidyanath

Home Remedies

The home remedies to control anger includes,

  • Breathing exercise
  • Count down or walk around in a calm natural atmosphere
  • Relaxing the muscles or stretching exercises
  • Getting engaged in mind relaxing activities
  • Play some soothing music.


  • Consume plenty of dopamine-building foods, such as fish, poultry, eggs, and leafy greens.
  • Can include fruits like a banana which is rich in potassium and vitamin B
  • Walnuts
  • Grilled cheese, baked potato, etc. can be included.



Meditation and pranayama is very effective in relaxing the mind and controlling emotions. Vajrasana or Padmasana can be chosen for meditating because it helps to control thoughts.

Practice yoga like Sooryanamaskara during sunrise rejuvenates the mind helping to maintain healthy homeostasis of thought processes.

Research articles link.


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Author information

Dr. Rajesh Nair
Licensed Ayurvedic doctor focused on providing individual Ayurvedic consultation services. Specialized in work related stress, Womens’ issues, diabetes, Pecos, arthritis, male and female sexual problems and infertility. Interested in academic work as well. Now working with as senior consultant, Ayurveda.

The post I E D and ANGER MANAGEMENT- Ayurvedic Ways appeared first on Ayurvedaforall UK Blog.


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